Net Zero – How Companies Can Slow Down Global Warming With Net-Zero Emissions

Net Zero Strategies - STMG

Humanity is lagging behind its goals to limit global warming. Net Zero offers the opportunity to still achieve these goals. Companies play a central role in this. In June 2024, UN Secretary-General António Guterres reminded the global community in urgent words to drastically reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. Only if all countries take a net-zero path can … Read more

The Greenhouse Gas Balance – Basis for Corporate Climate Protection

Greenhouse Gas Balance - STMG

A valid greenhouse gas balance is the basis of any effective climate protection strategy. All companies are requested to limit global warming by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Investments in climate protection are not only worthwhile for the environment and society, but also for companies. According to a study by the Potsdam Institute for … Read more

Green IT – Sustainable Technology for the Future of Your Company

Green IT - STMG

Digital technologies can contribute significantly to making the German economy more ecologically sustainable. According to a study by the German IT industry association Bitkom, accelerated digitization across sectors can lead to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. The expected reduction is higher than the estimated CO2 emissions of the digital technologies themselves, thus Bitkom expects … Read more

Corporate Sustainability – Involving Employees More

Employee Engagement - STMG

Two thirds of German managers believe that sustainability makes economic sense, according to a Capgemini study. At the same time, according to a study by Ipsos and Bertelsmann Stiftung, only slightly less than half of employees (49%) feel that sustainability is important in their companies. This suggests two things: firstly, that the high importance of … Read more

Fit for the Future through Sustainable Corporate Management

Sustainable Corporate Management - STMG

Ever more companies are committed to sustainability and are pursuing ambitious sustainability goals. Many even have a sustainability strategy. There is, however, often a clear gap between ambitious goals and their implementation. That is, because in addition to a good sustainability strategy, sustainable corporate management is also required to successfully implement the strategy. That sounds … Read more

5 Steps to an Effective Sustainability Strategy – How to Achieve Profitable Sustainability in Owner-led Companies

5 Schritte zur Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie - STMG

For the vast majority of the German Mittelstand (owner-led companies including mostly SMEs, but also large firms), sustainability is very important. According to a Commerzbank study from 2021, more than 70 percent of owner-led companies surveyed believe that sustainable action and production are necessary to ensure the future viability of their company. Almost 70 percent … Read more

5 Reasons Why SMEs Should Now Push Their Sustainable Business Development

Sustainable business development - STMG

For medium-sized companies, the sustainability of their business activities has always played a major role. The long-term existence of the company is more important to them than high quarterly profits. Accordingly, CEOs of SMEs generally have a positive attitude towards sustainability. However, their ideas on the content and significance of sustainability for their own company … Read more